About trends


Make a fortune on a successful trend









How to quickly achieve success 


1. VAST HILLS helps you be a reward based platform, where you can build your community
2. choose a social platform: Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, You Tube (voice, view) you want to replicate
3. copy how this platform sets and makes money on various trends


Formof your media stream

1. make a list of target audience interests to form video content categories
2. the content itself is often used as “transport” to convey the CTA “message” of the brand
3. send content to a variety of interests, it helps to reach a huge number of people


"We need to be wherever our audience is" Red Bull

1. post UGC on all platforms where your audience comes
2. send UGC by mail, section: “here’s what they say about us”
3. post UGC on your website, category: “best of the week”



1. Start by selecting current trends: humor, satire, entertainment, respect, practicality, satisfaction...
2. Create (your own / AI / attract bloggers) videos connecting these trends with your brand
3. Add a CTA: we sponsor your videos on VAST HILLS
4. Post these videos on all relevant platforms
5. If a video/trend does not work, immediately replace it with another one
6. Choose the best UGC from the VH catalog and purchase their rights for MAGK points
7. Send out up to a 100 videos per day with your: logo / comments / appeals / requests...
8. Watch your sales increase based on different trends